Miércoles musicales #9

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De repente aparece. Una melodía, un buen videoclip, un buen grupo y una buena combinación. Arctic Monkeys es uno de mis grupos favoritos, esto no es nuevo, pero esta canción se ha colado en mi cabeza, agarrada bien a las neuronas se niega a salir. 
Arctic Monkeys – Brick By Brick

I wanna build you up
(Brick by brick)
I wanna break you down
(Brick by brick)
I’m gonna reconstruct
(Brick by brick)
I wanna feel your love

Brick by brick, brick by brick

I wanna steal your soul
(Brick by brick)
I wanna rock and roll
(Brick by brick)
I wanna rock and roll
(Brick by brick)
I wanna rock and roll

Brick by brick, brick by brick

I wanna brick by brick
(Brick by brick)
I wanna blow that blow
(Brick by brick)
I wanna melt your soul
(Brick by brick)
I wanna brick by brick, by brick, by…

Brick by Brick
Brick by Brick
Brick by Brick
Brick by Brick

Nos leemos,


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Picture of Miryam Artigas
Miryam Artigas

¡Hola! Soy Miryam Artigas, y llevo escribiendo en esta web desde julio de 2009. Adoro leer, la fotografía, ver películas y series, cuidar mis plantas y hacer yoga.

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